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I want as many people as possible around the world to see it. The extreme drama series 'THE DAYS'.


"The Days," which was released on Netflix on June 1, 2023 (Thursday), portrays the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster that occurred on March 11, 2011, as a result of the Great East Japan Earthquake and the subsequent tsunami, classified as the most severe Level 7 event in the world.

From the beginning of the film, viewers are drawn into the intense suspense, dense human drama, and the sense of presence and urgency that continues to approach the Japanese government, large corporations, and the site in Fukushima.

How did the government and corporate organizations, faced with a crisis that could determine the fate of the nation, confront it? What battles took place on the front lines, where they were tossed around by conflicting instructions and chased by deadlines, in order to prevent the runaway reactors? The depiction of the intricate human relationships, made possible by the drama series format, breathes with resilient realism, devoid of accommodation or exaggeration.

One thing is clear: it is recommended to watch all eight episodes of "The Days" at once. You will likely end up watching everything in one go. Therefore, it is recommended to set aside some time for it.

There is no doubt that "The Days" is a special work for me as well.

"The Days" Official Website

YouTube Official Trailer

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